Invisalign - Beverly Hills, CA

The Apparent Approach for Clear Results



Subtly Change into Straight Teeth with Invisalign®

Struggling to love your crooked teeth, gaps in your smile, or a misaligned bite? If you need braces but aren’t interested in the traditional bracket-and-wire systems, we have a clear alternative—Invisalign®! Using a series of clear aligners, we offer Invisalign in Beverly Hills, CA to discreetly straighten subpar smiles. These aligners look like transparent retainers that fit snug over your teeth and encourage gradual change in appearance. 

With simple removal, you can continue to eat your favorite foods and maintain your normal hygiene routine with ease. Best of all, you’ll be able to achieve an attractive, healthy smile without the discomfort of traditional braces.


Why Choose Invisalign?

Invisalign can transform how your smile looks by giving you beautiful, straight teeth.

Invisalign can transform how your smile looks by giving you beautiful, straight teeth.

Aesthetics but Also Functionality

Invisalign can transform how your smile looks by giving you beautiful, straight teeth. This has numerous benefits beyond cosmetic improvements, though. Crooked teeth increase the risk that bacterial plaque from food debris becomes trapped between the crevices of teeth. This plaque, if it hardens into tartar, can cause cavities and lead to the development of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.

Crooked teeth can also cause bite issues, teeth grinding and clenching, and TMJ and jaw pain. Straight teeth make it possible for you to properly brush and floss your teeth. You’ll discover that your oral hygiene routine will become easier and have better results. Similarly, aligned teeth will improve how your teeth fit together, helping to resolve functional problems associated with crooked teeth and a bad bite. Overall, Invisalign treatment in Beverly Hills, CA will improve the health and function of your smile, in addition to providing natural smile aesthetics and a boost to your confidence!

Research shows that nearly everyone has some type of tooth misalignment. Some of these misalignments are very mild and hardly noticeable. Others are severe and require attention because they could ultimately lead to additional issues.

Dr. Joseph Stan, DDS, offers orthodontic treatment options to resolve dental misalignments and create a beautiful, functional smile. One of the most popular options is Invisalign. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about this treatment option.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces for resolving a wide range of dental misalignments. This treatment is a series of clear, custom-fitted, plastic aligners designed to gradually shift teeth into their appropriate position.
This option is primarily recommended for mild to moderate misalignments but may also be used for more severe cases with the inclusion of resin “buttons” placed on the teeth to hold the aligners in place.

How Does Invisalign Work

On average, treatment time takes about 12 to 18 months. However, more severe cases may take up to 24 months and milder cases may only take 6 months. It is important to note that compliance in wearing the aligners is a significant factor in the effectiveness of this treatment.


Invisalign Uses

Invisalign is an appropriate option for a variety of misalignments, including:


Underbite is a condition characterized by the lower teeth overlapping the upper teeth, usually because the lower jaw is too far forward. This condition usually causes jaw pain, making it difficult to eat or speak.


Overbite is a fairly common condition characterized by the upper teeth overlapping the lower teeth. Typically, this condition is very mild.


A crossbite is a condition in which the teeth do not line up properly when the mouth is closed. This results in some of the upper teeth lying on the outside and some on the inside of the lower teeth.

Open Bite

An open bite is a condition in which some of the teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed.


Diastema is a condition characterized by a gap between the teeth. Typically, it involves the upper two center teeth.

Invisalign vs Braces

Both Invisalign aligners and traditional braces are designed to resolve dental misalignments. However, there are a few differences that you need to be aware of:

Underbite is a condition characterized by the lower teeth overlapping the upper teeth, usually because the lower jaw is too far forward. This condition usually causes jaw pain, making it difficult to eat or speak.




$1,200 to $8,000 $3,000 to $7,000


Virtually invisible Metal brackets and wires are visible


Smooth plastic, no wires/brackets to scrape the inside of mouth May have some minor discomfort from the pressure when first starting treatment or when switching to a new aligner Brackets/wires can scrape soft tissues, causing mouth sores Pressure on teeth can be uncomfortable when beginning treatment and after adjustments

Treatment Time

As little as 6 months for very mild cases or as long as 24 months for complex cases Average treatment timeline is 12 to 18 months Average treatment time is 12 to 24 months- and may take as long as 36 months depending on the complexity

Food Restrictions

Aligners are removed before eating, which means you can eat what you like- but you must clean mouth/teeth before putting aligners back in Must avoid foods that are: • Hard/crunchy • Sticky • Chewy

Oral Hygiene

No special considerations required because aligners are removable Brackets/wires can complicate oral hygiene practices- may need a water flosser and an interdental brush to get around the brackets

Dental Insurance Coverage

Some dental insurance providers will cover treatment, others will not Most dental insurance providers will cover traditional braces

Invisalign Cost

The average cost of Invisalign treatment depends on the type and severity of your misalignment- which will determine how many aligners you need. Another factor that may impact cost is dental insurance coverage. While this is considered an orthodontic treatment, many insurance providers classify it as elective- which means they will not cover it. Our office staff will work with your provider to determine your coverage and provide you with a quote prior to beginning treatment.

There are several levels of treatment:

Invisalign Express

There are two levels for Invisalign Express:

  • Up to 5 aligners: average cost is $1,200 to $1,800
  • Up to 7 aligners: average cost is $1,500 to $2,000

Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Lite offers up to 14 aligners, with an average cost of $3,000 to $4,500

Invisalign Moderate

Invisalign Moderate offers up to 20 aligners, with an average cost of $3,500 to $5,000

Invisalign Comprehensive

Invisalign Comprehensive offers unlimited aligners, with an average cost of $4,500 to $8,000

Invisalign for Teens

The primary difference between standard Invisalign and Invisalign for Teens is that blue dots are included on teen aligners. The dots fade if the aligners are being worn. While this does not guarantee that teens will be compliant, it does give parents peace of mind that they can determine if their teen is wearing the aligners.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation with Dr. Stan Today

If you have a mild to moderate dental misalignment, schedule your Invisalign consultation with Dr. Stan DDS today. He is highly skilled and has decades of experience in the field of dentistry. He has worked with many celebrities throughout his career to create a Hollywood-perfect smile.

We strive to create a welcoming, spa-like environment to make your dental visits much more pleasant. We believe that relaxation is crucial for successful dental treatments and will do what we can to ensure your comfort.

We are located on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM.

Invisalign FAQs

We understand the importance of understanding your dental procedures. Therefore, we will be happy to discuss your questions and/or concerns at any time during your treatment. Below are a few of the most common questions that we’ve gotten about Invisalign treatment.

Dr. Stan will start by creating a 3D image of your bite. This will be placed into a computer program which will create a 3D progression of how you can expect Invisalign to resolve your misalignment. The images and treatment timeline will be sent to the dental lab where your aligners will be fabricated. The aligners are designed to fit snugly against your teeth, putting even pressure on them to nudge them into alignment.
Aligners must be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day. Each one should be worn for 1 to 3 weeks based on your treatment timeline. You will be instructed on how often to change out your aligners.

On average, Invisalign takes 12 to 18 months for most mild to moderate misalignments- but may take as little as 6 months for mild cases and up to 24 months for more severe cases.

Yes, Invisalign has been proven to resolve mild to moderate overbite in most patients.

Yes, Invisalign has been proven effective for resolving most cases of mild to moderate underbite.

A Tailored Invisalign Treatment FOR YOU

Dr. Stan is trained and certified in Invisalign and will monitor your treatment to ensure you receive the beautiful and functional results you want. Your treatment begins with a consultation with Dr. Stan to verify your candidacy and current oral health. Virtually all patients are candidates for Invisalign if complex bite problems aren’t present. Next, we’ll take impressions of your teeth that will be used to create your series of custom clear aligners. You’ll need to wear these aligners for 20-22 hours each day, though you can remove them to eat and drink as well as to brush and floss your teeth. As you progress through the series of aligners, you’ll notice your teeth slowly moving into place, soon to reveal your beautiful, straight smile. Your attractive new smile will help you feel more confident and live healthier long-term!

Achieve clear results, quickly.

Schedule your Invisalign consultation today!

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- The Jospeh Stan DDS Team

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